Spanish II Semester Overview
Semester 1
Unit 1: Repaso
Vocabulary Topics:
1. Days of the week (M)
2. Months and seasons of the year (R)
3. Greetings (M)
4. Asking and giving names (M)
5. Expressions of courtesy (M)
6. Classroom objects and people (M)
7. Academic subjects (M)
Grammar Topics:
1. Definite and indefinite articles (R)
2. The use of the word, “hay” (R/M)
3. Subject pronouns (R/M)
4. Asking yes / no questions (R) 1
5. Adjective agreement and position with nouns
Unit 2: En casa
Vocabulary Topics:
1. Furniture, rooms, and parts of a house (I)
2. Prepositions of location (I/R)
3. Interrogatives (R)
Grammar Topics:
1. Gender and number of Spanish nouns (R/M)
2. Regular conjugation of the present tense (R/M)
3. Stress and written accent marks ®
4. The present tense conjugation of the following
verbs: querer, preferir, ir, venir and poder
Unit 3: A comer
Vocabulary Topics:
1. Additional idiomatic expressions with tener (R)
2. Food and meals (I/R)
3. Expressions related to giving the time and at
what time events occur (R)
4. Tag phrases (¿no? ¿verdad?) (I/R)
5. Emotions (R)
6. Interrogatives (R)
Grammar Topics:
1. Use of adjectives plus por (I)
2. The personal a” (I)
3. The verb gustar (I/R)
4. Gender and number of Spanish nouns (R/M)
5. Negation (R)
6. Idiomatic expressions with the verb “tener (R)
7. The present tense of stem-changing verbs (I/R)
8. The present tense conjugation of the following
verbs: querer, preferir, ir, venir and poder (I/R)
9. The present tense of hacer, oír, poner, salir,
traer, and ver (I)
10. Ir + a + infinitive to express a future action (R)
11. The verb gustar to express likes and dislikes
(no grammatical explanation of indirect object
pronouns) ®
Semester 2
Unit 4: La salud
Vocabulary Topics:
1. Body parts and basic illnesses (I/R)
2. Interrogatives (R)
Grammar Topics:
1. Present progressive tense (I)
2. Summary of uses of ser and estar (I/R)
3. The verbs dar / decir (I)
4. The verb ser (R/M)
5. The verb estar ®
6. The use of the word, “hay” (R/M)
7. Uses of verb tener/doler with illness and
symptoms (I/R)
Unit 5: De compras
Vocabulary Topics:
1. Weather conditions(I/R)
2. Months and seasons of the year ®
3. Numbers 1 to 100.000 (I/R)
4. Clothing items (I/R)
5. Expressions related to giving the time and at
what time events occur (R)
6. Tag phrases (¿no? ¿verdad?) (I/R)
7. Interrogatives (R)
Grammar Topics:
1. The present tense of llevar, hacer, oír, poner,
salir, traer, and ver (I)
2. The present tense of stem-changing verbs (I/R)
3. Present progressive tense (I)
4. Idiomatic expressions with the verb “tener (R)
5. The present tense conjugation of the following
verbs: querer, preferir, ir, venir and poder (R)
6. The verb gustar to express likes and dislikes
(no grammatical explanation of indirect object
pronouns) (R)
7. Demonstrative adjectives
Unit 6: Aplicar los conceptos en la literatura de
Grammar Topics:
1. The present tense of stem-changing verbs (I/R)
2. Reflexive pronouns in the present tense (I)
3. The personal a” (I)
4. Preterite tense of regular verbs (I)
5. Negation (R)
6. Regular conjugation of the present tense (R/M)
7. Stress and written accent marks (R)
8. Expression possession (I/R)
9. Demonstrative adjectives (I)
Semester 1: 18 weeks, 87 student contact days
Semester 2: 20 weeks, 88 student contact days