1371 Clague Road
Westlake, Ohio 44145
by Lucy Williams
directed by Dr. Greg Dziama
December 16 - 18, 2022
Produced by special arrangement with
Pioneer Drama Service, Inc., Englewood, Colorado
President: Richard Lynch
Vice President: Dottie Palazzo
Secretary: Mary Kay Blantz
Treasurer: Larry Tremaglio
Production Manager: Lance Switzer
Dr. Greg Dziama
Kate Fayen
Rose Leininger
Jeff Lockshine
Debbie Pollard
Lisa L Wiley
Visit our website,, or Facebook page for a
complete look at our season, purchase tickets, audition dates, and up-
to-date information on what’s happening at Clague Playhouse.
Clague Playhouse is certified as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
OUR 2022-2023 SEASON...
by Matthew Barber
January 20 - February 12, 2023
Ada and the Engine
by Lauren Gunderson
March 17 - April 9, 2023
Failure: A Love Story
by Philip Dawkins
May 12 - June 4, 2023
Tickets for all shows on sale now
Christmas SHORTS
Cast of Characters (In Order of Appearance)
Curtain Speech ..................................................................Sienna Butler
Santa’s Christmas Shorts
MRS. CLAUS ............................................................Kennedy Minear
SANTA ..........................................................................Brady Cantrall
Letter to Santa, Part One
VICTORIA ......................................................................Tessa Macias
Reindeer Games
BOBSLED COSTAS ........................................................Jake Hunter
FROSTBITE SNOWFLAKE ............................Kendall Maggie Hunter
FALINE..........................................................................Arabella Giaco
PRANCER ........................................................................Flora Brown
SUMMER IRONY ..........................................................Harper Brown
SCOOT ..................................................................Mckenna Coleman
CHARLA ..........................................................................Eden Garcia
PHOTOGRAPHER............................................................Charlie Shi
FAYE ..................................................................................Chloe Alvis
Kringle, Krumple, and Kramer
LAWYER........................................................................Brynn Bennett
VICTIM ONE ....................................................................Amanda Shi
VICTIM TWO ..............................................................Eva Feldkircher
VICTIM THREE..................................................Penelope Chin-Albert
VICTIM FOUR..................................................................Rebecca Hill
Singing in the Snow, Carrot and Knock-Knock Jokes
SNOWMAN....................................................................Brady Cantrall
REINDEER ..................................................................Libby Marcinek
STAGE MANAGER ..........................................................Charlie Shi
Hey, Mom!
KIDS ..............................Flora Brown, Maddyn Lacki, Finley Cantrall,
Rebecca Hill, Sienna Butler, Arabella Giaco
The Elf Who Ruined Christmas
PARCIVAL PLUMSKI ....................................................Harper Brown
BROWNIE TWINKLETON ................................................Flora Brown
FOLLY FLAKESTER ....................................................Arabella Giaco
Letter to Santa, Part Two
JANE ..................................................................................Chloe Alvis
Christmas Quiz
ANNOUNCER ..............................................................Finley Cantrall
HOPE WINTERS ....................................................Charlotte Motelka
SCROOGE ......................................................Kendall Maggie Hunter
TINY TIM ........................................................................Reece Cottle
GHOST OF CHRISTMAS YET TO COME..................Eva Feldkircher
In case of FIRE or OTHER EMERGENCY, please walk to the nearest
exit indicated by a lighted exit sign.
Clague Playhouse is a NON-SMOKING facility.
Up-to-date COVID-19 information will be posted in the lobby or visit our
website at
RESTROOMS are located in the theater lobby.
FOOD AND BEVERAGES are not permitted in the auditorium.
Local EMERGENCY CALLS may be made at the Box Office.
CAMERAS AND RECORDERS are not permitted in the theater.
SPECIAL NEEDS SEATING, subject to availability.
LATECOMERS will be seated at first convenient pause in the
Please report LOST or FOUND items to the Box Office. We are not
responsible for lost or damaged items left unattended.
BOX OFFICE HOURS: Wednesday - Saturday from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00
p.m. and one hour before curtain time on performance dates. Closed
Monday and Tuesday. PHONE: 440-331-0403  Tickets available
online at
RED BARN YOUTH THEATER ADMISSION: Age 12+: $12, Under 12: $8
and Saturday begin at 7:00 p.m. Sunday matinees begin at 2:00 p.m.
Adults: $21, Seniors (60+): $20, and Students: $13
Limited FREE Student tickets for all Thursday performances - call the
Box Office for more information
PREPAYMENT IS A MUST. Payment may be made by cash, check,
money order, American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, and
Clague Playhouse Flextix or Gift Ticket. Prepaid tickets held at the Box
Office should be picked up one half-hour before curtain time.
GROUP DISCOUNTS are available for groups of 20 or more. For more
information, please call the Box Office.
GIFT TICKETS are available. Call the Box Office for more information.
CURTAIN TIMES: Performances on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
begin at 8:00 p.m. Sunday matinees begin at 2:00 p.m.
Director ................................................................Dr. Greg Dziama
Production Manager ................................................Lance Switzer
Education Coordinator ........................................Dr. Greg Dziama
Assistant Director/Stage Manager ..........................Richard Lynch
Lighting Designer ....................................................Lance Switzer
Sound Designer ..........................................................Lisa L Wiley
Lighting/Sound Operator ........................................ Lance Switzer
Set Designer ................................................................Ron Newell
Set Construction ................................Donna Hughes, Ron Newell
Kathy Whitmore, Dave Young
Costume Designer..................................................Donna Hughes
Costume Assistant .................................................. Maggie Swor
Props Designer ......................................................Donna Hughes
Props Procurement ..........................Margy Haas, Donna Hughes
Audition Secretaries ........................Greg Dziama, Richard Lynch
Ushers ....................................................................Dottie Palazzo
Minuteman Press North Olmsted
All the families and friends for their support!
Crazy Hank’s Used Christmas Trees
CRAZY HANK ........................................................................Jake Hunter
ASSISTANT ONE ..................................................................Rebecca Hill
ASSISTANT TWO ................................................................Maddyn Lacki
As the North Pole Turns
ANNOUNCER ..................................................................Eva Feldkircher
FREEZY ..............................................................................Brady Cantrall
ELSIE ..........................................................................Mckenna Coleman
ELBERT ................................................................................Reece Cottle
PIPPI ....................................................................................Tessa Macias
OFFICER................................................................................Amanda Shi
Letter to Santa, Part Three
JULIE......................................................................................Eden Garcia
Christmas Rap
RAPPERS..................................Chloe Alvis, Brynn Bennett, Jake Hunter
Movie Trailer
ANNOUNCER................................................................Charlotte Motelka
CHILD....................................................................................Reece Cottle
MOTHER ................................................................................Amanda Shi
North Pole News
ANNOUNCER ........................................................................Eden Garcia
VAL ..............................................................................Mckenna Coleman
GAL ....................................................................................Brynn Bennett
PRICE....................................................................Kendall Maggie Hunter
MISS HAP......................................................................Charlotte Motelka
JOY ..................................................................................Eva Feldkircher
VIRGINIA ..........................................................................Libby Marcinek
CAROLERS ......Chloe Alvis, Flora Brown, Sienna Butler, Finley Cantrall,
Penelope Chin-Albert, Eden Garcia, Arabella Giaco,
Jake Hunter, Maddyn Lacki, Tessa Macias
JILL ......................................................................................Sienna Butler
JANE........................................................................Penelope Chin-Albert
PASTOR ..................................................................................Charlie Shi
MOM ......................................................................................Amanda Shi
DAUGHTER ........................................................................Maddyn Lacki
STORE CLERK....................................................................Harper Brown
YOUNG GIRL ........................................................................Rebecca Hill
HOMELESS PERSON ..........................................................Reece Cottle
MRS. CLAUS ..................................................................Kennedy Minear
PRIMARY UNDERSTUDY ............................................Charlotte Motelka
SPECIAL APPEARANCE SANTA ..................Joe Alvis and Richie Lynch
Setting: Christmastime in the present.
Place: The North Pole, and other places where Christmas is celebrated.
PLEASE NOTE: For the safety of our cast and crew, please
do not walk across or touch items on our stage.
ABOUT OUR CAST continued
volleyball and ski. Acting is something
she greatly enjoys.
Amanda Shi (Victim One, Police
Officer, Mother, Cookie Mom) is in the
9th grade and she’s 15 years old.
Amanda has been in two Clague
Playhouse Christmas plays before
Covid happened. Participating in this
play has been very fun and she hopes
you enjoy watching it too.
Charlie Shi (Stage Manager,
Photographer, Pastor) is in the 6th
grade and is 11 years old. He’s been
in 2 shows at Clague Playhouse
before with his sister before Covid
happened. He plays two instruments,
piano and saxophone, and plays
tennis. Charlie hopes you enjoy the
About Our Cast continued
Chloe Alvis (Faye Telluride, Jane's
Letter, Rapper, Caroler) is a 6th
grader at Dover Intermediate School
in Westlake. She finds passion in
many different art forms: dancing,
acting, cooking, sewing, and painting.
Chloe was most recently on stage at
Clague Playhouse in the cast of Snow
White Lite and High-Rise High Jinks.
She hopes to one day perform on
Broadway and operate her own
Brynn Bennett (Lawyer, Disk Jockey,
Gal Gumdrop) is a sophomore at
Rocky River High School. She loves
reading and singing and dreams to
become a Broadway actress. Brynn
would like to thank her family, dog,
and her friends Ava, Beatrix, El, Flint,
Jordyn, Rachel, Rebekah, Rosemary,
Trang, Tay, and especially Kaiya.
“Thank you for sticking with my
dramatic self and always reminding
me that, no matter what comes in the
way, ‘the show must go on!’”
Flora Brown (Prancer, Hey Mom #1,
Brownie Twinklelman, Caroler) is
thrilled to hit the stage at Clague
Playhouse in her first ever public
performance! She’s a Mandarin
student at Global Ambassadors
Language Academy and she comes
from a whole family of performers and
theater lovers. She dedicates her
performance to Mama & Papa, who
would have loved to see this.
Harper Brown (Summer Irony,
Parcival Plumski, Store Clerk) is a 6th
grader who attends St. Christopher
School. This is her third theater
performance, her second at Clague
Playhouse. Outside of theater, Harper
enjoys competitive volleyball,
basketball, golf, playing outside and
hanging with friends.
Sienna Butler (Curtain Speech, Hey
Mom #5, Jill, Caroler) is 7 years old
and in 2nd grade at Westlake
Elementary School. Sienna has an
older and a younger brother. She
enjoys playing soccer, tennis,
swimming and golf. She also loves
arts and crafts as well as music. This
is the first play she has been a part of
at Clague Playhouse.
Brady Cantrall (Santa, Snowman,
Freezy) is a 7th grade student in
Westlake. He most recently
performed as “Lestrade” in the play,
Sherlock Holmes and the 1st Baker
Street Irregulars. Brady has taken
Improv classes for a number of years,
and participated in an Improv
showcase. Brady enjoys playing
tennis and has a passion for video
Finley Cantrall (Hey Mom #3,
Announcer, Caroler) is a 5th grade
student in Westlake. She enjoys
acting and dancing, and has
performed in dance recitals at the
Lorain Community College Auditorium.
She is also in choir and plays cello. At
school, she is in the Environmental
Club and she is on Student Council.
Finley is devoted to her pet dog Mille
and her hamster Teddy.
Penelope Chin-Albert (Victim Three,
Jane, Caroler) is 12 years old and this
is her second play. She is very
excited to be a part of Christmas
Shorts. Her interests include art,
creating things, dancing, singing and
just performing in general. She has 5
sisters and Penelope loves her family
very much and wants to thank them
for their support. She hopes you
enjoy the play!
Mckenna Coleman (Scoot Lighthoof,
Elsie, Val Holliday) is a freshman in
high school and is extremely excited
to be a part of her first show. She’s
certain you will all enjoy the show.
Happy Holidays.
Reece S. Cottle (Tiny Tim, Elbert,
Child, Homeless person) is a 4th
grader at Westlake Elementary
School. He studied theater at the
Beck Center and the Music
Settlement. He enjoys diving and
Minecraft, and his favorite musical is
Six. Reece is looking forward to
seeing Santa this year.
Eva Feldkircher (Victim Two, Ghost
of Christmas Yet to Come, Announcer,
Joy Everlast) is a student at Lee
Burneson. She is currently working
on her first dance solo which she will
be competing in 2023. Eva is excited
to be performing in Christmas Shorts.
Previously Eva has starred in various
roles at the Beck Center youth theater.
She has been actively involved in all
dance genres & has earned
recognition and a stand out
scholarship at dance competitions.
Eva recently earned an above &
beyond award for her work ethic &
incredible spirit at the movement
intensive. Eva is a free spirited
creative soul with a heart of gold.
Eden Garcia (Charla Bloomenthal,
Julie's Letter, Announcer, Caroler) is
thrilled to be participating in her
second production with the Red Barn
Youth Theater at Clague Playhouse.
She is a 6th grader at Dover
Intermediate School. Her favorite
activities outside of acting include
playing piano and trombone, singing in
choir, and participating in Science
Arabella Giaco (Faline, Hey Mom #6,
Folly Flakester, Caroler) is in the 3rd
grade at Lakewood Catholic Academy.
Her favorite color is purple and her
favorite animal is a tiger. She loves
Tangeled. Arabella has never been in
a play before but she has tried making
Rebecca Hill (Victim Four, Hey Mom
#4, Hank's Assistant 1, Young Girl) is
so excited participate in this year’s
Christmas Shorts production. She had
previously performed on stage with
the Avon Lake theater summer camp.
Rebecca is 9 years old and in 3rd
grade. She enjoys singing in her
school’s choir and competing in Irish
Dance competitions.
Jake Hunter (Bobsled Costas, Crazy
Hank, Rapper, Caroler) is 13 years old
and is in 8th grade. His favorite sport
to play, watch, and umpire is baseball.
He is an avid Cleveland sports fan
who also enjoys reading and camping.
This is Jake’s sixth performance at
Clague Playhouse. He thanks his
family and friends for their support.
Kendall Maggie Hunter (Frostbite
Snowflake, Scrooge, Price Fair-Lee) is
12 years old and is in 6th grade. She
is a lacrosse goalie, a competitive
swimmer, and plays softball. She
enjoys dystopian novels and a good
horror mystery. This is her second
time performing on stage at Clague
Playhouse and she hopes you enjoy
the show!
Maddyn Lacki (Hey Mom #2, Hank's
Assistant 2, Daughter, Caroler) is 10
years old. She attends Troy
Intermediate School in Avon Lake and
is in the 5th grade. She plays soccer
and she also likes Hip Hop and
gymnastics. She lives with her Mom,
Dad, sister Molly and her dog Tucker.
Every Spring Break, Maddyn goes to
Marco Island in Florida with her family
and it is always her favorite place to
visit! She loves to sing, play the flute
and dance. Christmas Shorts is her
first play and she is very excited to be
a part of it.
Tessa Macias (Victoria's Letter, Pippi,
Caroler) loves theater. Last summer,
she was Mike TV in Willy Wonka’s
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and
the summer before she was in
Seussical the Musical. While not
practicing for plays she enjoys
spending time with her friends, family,
dog and hamster. She also likes
playing the cello and swimming. Her
favorite subject is math.
Libby Marcinek (Reindeer, Virginia's
Letter) is a 7th grader at Lee
Burneson Middle School in Westlake.
She played for the 7th grade volleyball
team and is a member of the student
council at LBMS. Libby loves reading,
playing volleyball and listening to
Braodway musicals. This is her
performance debut.
Kennedy Minear (Mrs. Claus) is
excited to be performing a part in the
Christmas production where she plays
Mrs. Claus. Kennedy lives in Westlake
with her parents, older sister (Riley),
her two dogs (Loki and Fiona) and her
cat (Owen). Kennedy is in the 5th
grade at Westlake Dover Intermediate
School. In her spare time she enjoys
crafting, and bike riding. Kennedy
hopes that this is one of many
performances at Clague Playhouse.
Charlotte Motelka (Curtain Speech,
Hope Winters, Announcer, Miss Hap)
is in the 8th grade at Lakewood
Catholic Academy. She loves to play
About Our Cast
About Our Cast continued
Chloe Alvis (Faye Telluride, Jane's
Letter, Rapper, Caroler) is a 6th
grader at Dover Intermediate School
in Westlake. She finds passion in
many different art forms: dancing,
acting, cooking, sewing, and painting.
Chloe was most recently on stage at
Clague Playhouse in the cast of Snow
White Lite and High-Rise High Jinks.
She hopes to one day perform on
Broadway and operate her own
Brynn Bennett (Lawyer, Disk Jockey,
Gal Gumdrop) is a sophomore at
Rocky River High School. She loves
reading and singing and dreams to
become a Broadway actress. Brynn
would like to thank her family, dog,
and her friends Ava, Beatrix, El, Flint,
Jordyn, Rachel, Rebekah, Rosemary,
Trang, Tay, and especially Kaiya.
“Thank you for sticking with my
dramatic self and always reminding
me that, no matter what comes in the
way, ‘the show must go on!’”
Flora Brown (Prancer, Hey Mom #1,
Brownie Twinklelman, Caroler) is
thrilled to hit the stage at Clague
Playhouse in her first ever public
performance! She’s a Mandarin
student at Global Ambassadors
Language Academy and she comes
from a whole family of performers and
theater lovers. She dedicates her
performance to Mama & Papa, who
would have loved to see this.
Harper Brown (Summer Irony,
Parcival Plumski, Store Clerk) is a 6th
grader who attends St. Christopher
School. This is her third theater
performance, her second at Clague
Playhouse. Outside of theater, Harper
enjoys competitive volleyball,
basketball, golf, playing outside and
hanging with friends.
Sienna Butler (Curtain Speech, Hey
Mom #5, Jill, Caroler) is 7 years old
and in 2nd grade at Westlake
Elementary School. Sienna has an
older and a younger brother. She
enjoys playing soccer, tennis,
swimming and golf. She also loves
arts and crafts as well as music. This
is the first play she has been a part of
at Clague Playhouse.
Brady Cantrall (Santa, Snowman,
Freezy) is a 7th grade student in
Westlake. He most recently
performed as “Lestrade” in the play,
Sherlock Holmes and the 1st Baker
Street Irregulars. Brady has taken
Improv classes for a number of years,
and participated in an Improv
showcase. Brady enjoys playing
tennis and has a passion for video
Finley Cantrall (Hey Mom #3,
Announcer, Caroler) is a 5th grade
student in Westlake. She enjoys
acting and dancing, and has
performed in dance recitals at the
Lorain Community College Auditorium.
She is also in choir and plays cello. At
school, she is in the Environmental
Club and she is on Student Council.
Finley is devoted to her pet dog Mille
and her hamster Teddy.
Penelope Chin-Albert (Victim Three,
Jane, Caroler) is 12 years old and this
is her second play. She is very
excited to be a part of Christmas
Shorts. Her interests include art,
creating things, dancing, singing and
just performing in general. She has 5
sisters and Penelope loves her family
very much and wants to thank them
for their support. She hopes you
enjoy the play!
Mckenna Coleman (Scoot Lighthoof,
Elsie, Val Holliday) is a freshman in
high school and is extremely excited
to be a part of her first show. She’s
certain you will all enjoy the show.
Happy Holidays.
Reece S. Cottle (Tiny Tim, Elbert,
Child, Homeless person) is a 4th
grader at Westlake Elementary
School. He studied theater at the
Beck Center and the Music
Settlement. He enjoys diving and
Minecraft, and his favorite musical is
Six. Reece is looking forward to
seeing Santa this year.
Eva Feldkircher (Victim Two, Ghost
of Christmas Yet to Come, Announcer,
Joy Everlast) is a student at Lee
Burneson. She is currently working
on her first dance solo which she will
be competing in 2023. Eva is excited
to be performing in Christmas Shorts.
Previously Eva has starred in various
roles at the Beck Center youth theater.
She has been actively involved in all
dance genres & has earned
recognition and a stand out
scholarship at dance competitions.
Eva recently earned an above &
beyond award for her work ethic &
incredible spirit at the movement
intensive. Eva is a free spirited
creative soul with a heart of gold.
Eden Garcia (Charla Bloomenthal,
Julie's Letter, Announcer, Caroler) is
thrilled to be participating in her
second production with the Red Barn
Youth Theater at Clague Playhouse.
She is a 6th grader at Dover
Intermediate School. Her favorite
activities outside of acting include
playing piano and trombone, singing in
choir, and participating in Science
Arabella Giaco (Faline, Hey Mom #6,
Folly Flakester, Caroler) is in the 3rd
grade at Lakewood Catholic Academy.
Her favorite color is purple and her
favorite animal is a tiger. She loves
Tangeled. Arabella has never been in
a play before but she has tried making
Rebecca Hill (Victim Four, Hey Mom
#4, Hank's Assistant 1, Young Girl) is
so excited participate in this year’s
Christmas Shorts production. She had
previously performed on stage with
the Avon Lake theater summer camp.
Rebecca is 9 years old and in 3rd
grade. She enjoys singing in her
school’s choir and competing in Irish
Dance competitions.
Jake Hunter (Bobsled Costas, Crazy
Hank, Rapper, Caroler) is 13 years old
and is in 8th grade. His favorite sport
to play, watch, and umpire is baseball.
He is an avid Cleveland sports fan
who also enjoys reading and camping.
This is Jake’s sixth performance at
Clague Playhouse. He thanks his
family and friends for their support.
Kendall Maggie Hunter (Frostbite
Snowflake, Scrooge, Price Fair-Lee) is
12 years old and is in 6th grade. She
is a lacrosse goalie, a competitive
swimmer, and plays softball. She
enjoys dystopian novels and a good
horror mystery. This is her second
time performing on stage at Clague
Playhouse and she hopes you enjoy
the show!
Maddyn Lacki (Hey Mom #2, Hank's
Assistant 2, Daughter, Caroler) is 10
years old. She attends Troy
Intermediate School in Avon Lake and
is in the 5th grade. She plays soccer
and she also likes Hip Hop and
gymnastics. She lives with her Mom,
Dad, sister Molly and her dog Tucker.
Every Spring Break, Maddyn goes to
Marco Island in Florida with her family
and it is always her favorite place to
visit! She loves to sing, play the flute
and dance. Christmas Shorts is her
first play and she is very excited to be
a part of it.
Tessa Macias (Victoria's Letter, Pippi,
Caroler) loves theater. Last summer,
she was Mike TV in Willy Wonka’s
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and
the summer before she was in
Seussical the Musical. While not
practicing for plays she enjoys
spending time with her friends, family,
dog and hamster. She also likes
playing the cello and swimming. Her
favorite subject is math.
Libby Marcinek (Reindeer, Virginia's
Letter) is a 7th grader at Lee
Burneson Middle School in Westlake.
She played for the 7th grade volleyball
team and is a member of the student
council at LBMS. Libby loves reading,
playing volleyball and listening to
Braodway musicals. This is her
performance debut.
Kennedy Minear (Mrs. Claus) is
excited to be performing a part in the
Christmas production where she plays
Mrs. Claus. Kennedy lives in Westlake
with her parents, older sister (Riley),
her two dogs (Loki and Fiona) and her
cat (Owen). Kennedy is in the 5th
grade at Westlake Dover Intermediate
School. In her spare time she enjoys
crafting, and bike riding. Kennedy
hopes that this is one of many
performances at Clague Playhouse.
Charlotte Motelka (Curtain Speech,
Hope Winters, Announcer, Miss Hap)
is in the 8th grade at Lakewood
Catholic Academy. She loves to play
About Our Cast
Director ................................................................Dr. Greg Dziama
Production Manager ................................................Lance Switzer
Education Coordinator ........................................Dr. Greg Dziama
Assistant Director/Stage Manager ..........................Richard Lynch
Lighting Designer ....................................................Lance Switzer
Sound Designer ..........................................................Lisa L Wiley
Lighting/Sound Operator ........................................ Lance Switzer
Set Designer ................................................................Ron Newell
Set Construction ................................Donna Hughes, Ron Newell
Kathy Whitmore, Dave Young
Costume Designer..................................................Donna Hughes
Costume Assistant .................................................. Maggie Swor
Props Designer ......................................................Donna Hughes
Props Procurement ..........................Margy Haas, Donna Hughes
Audition Secretaries ........................Greg Dziama, Richard Lynch
Ushers ....................................................................Dottie Palazzo
Minuteman Press North Olmsted
All the families and friends for their support!
Crazy Hank’s Used Christmas Trees
CRAZY HANK ........................................................................Jake Hunter
ASSISTANT ONE ..................................................................Rebecca Hill
ASSISTANT TWO ................................................................Maddyn Lacki
As the North Pole Turns
ANNOUNCER ..................................................................Eva Feldkircher
FREEZY ..............................................................................Brady Cantrall
ELSIE ..........................................................................Mckenna Coleman
ELBERT ................................................................................Reece Cottle
PIPPI ....................................................................................Tessa Macias
OFFICER................................................................................Amanda Shi
Letter to Santa, Part Three
JULIE......................................................................................Eden Garcia
Christmas Rap
RAPPERS..................................Chloe Alvis, Brynn Bennett, Jake Hunter
Movie Trailer
ANNOUNCER................................................................Charlotte Motelka
CHILD....................................................................................Reece Cottle
MOTHER ................................................................................Amanda Shi
North Pole News
ANNOUNCER ........................................................................Eden Garcia
VAL ..............................................................................Mckenna Coleman
GAL ....................................................................................Brynn Bennett
PRICE....................................................................Kendall Maggie Hunter
MISS HAP......................................................................Charlotte Motelka
JOY ..................................................................................Eva Feldkircher
VIRGINIA ..........................................................................Libby Marcinek
CAROLERS ......Chloe Alvis, Flora Brown, Sienna Butler, Finley Cantrall,
Penelope Chin-Albert, Eden Garcia, Arabella Giaco,
Jake Hunter, Maddyn Lacki, Tessa Macias
JILL ......................................................................................Sienna Butler
JANE........................................................................Penelope Chin-Albert
PASTOR ..................................................................................Charlie Shi
MOM ......................................................................................Amanda Shi
DAUGHTER ........................................................................Maddyn Lacki
STORE CLERK....................................................................Harper Brown
YOUNG GIRL ........................................................................Rebecca Hill
HOMELESS PERSON ..........................................................Reece Cottle
MRS. CLAUS ..................................................................Kennedy Minear
PRIMARY UNDERSTUDY ............................................Charlotte Motelka
SPECIAL APPEARANCE SANTA ..................Joe Alvis and Richie Lynch
Setting: Christmastime in the present.
Place: The North Pole, and other places where Christmas is celebrated.
PLEASE NOTE: For the safety of our cast and crew, please
do not walk across or touch items on our stage.
ABOUT OUR CAST continued
volleyball and ski. Acting is something
she greatly enjoys.
Amanda Shi (Victim One, Police
Officer, Mother, Cookie Mom) is in the
9th grade and she’s 15 years old.
Amanda has been in two Clague
Playhouse Christmas plays before
Covid happened. Participating in this
play has been very fun and she hopes
you enjoy watching it too.
Charlie Shi (Stage Manager,
Photographer, Pastor) is in the 6th
grade and is 11 years old. He’s been
in 2 shows at Clague Playhouse
before with his sister before Covid
happened. He plays two instruments,
piano and saxophone, and plays
tennis. Charlie hopes you enjoy the
Christmas SHORTS
Cast of Characters (In Order of Appearance)
Curtain Speech ..................................................................Sienna Butler
Santa’s Christmas Shorts
MRS. CLAUS ............................................................Kennedy Minear
SANTA ..........................................................................Brady Cantrall
Letter to Santa, Part One
VICTORIA ......................................................................Tessa Macias
Reindeer Games
BOBSLED COSTAS ........................................................Jake Hunter
FROSTBITE SNOWFLAKE ............................Kendall Maggie Hunter
FALINE..........................................................................Arabella Giaco
PRANCER ........................................................................Flora Brown
SUMMER IRONY ..........................................................Harper Brown
SCOOT ..................................................................Mckenna Coleman
CHARLA ..........................................................................Eden Garcia
PHOTOGRAPHER............................................................Charlie Shi
FAYE ..................................................................................Chloe Alvis
Kringle, Krumple, and Kramer
LAWYER........................................................................Brynn Bennett
VICTIM ONE ....................................................................Amanda Shi
VICTIM TWO ..............................................................Eva Feldkircher
VICTIM THREE..................................................Penelope Chin-Albert
VICTIM FOUR..................................................................Rebecca Hill
Singing in the Snow, Carrot and Knock-Knock Jokes
SNOWMAN....................................................................Brady Cantrall
REINDEER ..................................................................Libby Marcinek
STAGE MANAGER ..........................................................Charlie Shi
Hey, Mom!
KIDS ..............................Flora Brown, Maddyn Lacki, Finley Cantrall,
Rebecca Hill, Sienna Butler, Arabella Giaco
The Elf Who Ruined Christmas
PARCIVAL PLUMSKI ....................................................Harper Brown
BROWNIE TWINKLETON ................................................Flora Brown
FOLLY FLAKESTER ....................................................Arabella Giaco
Letter to Santa, Part Two
JANE ..................................................................................Chloe Alvis
Christmas Quiz
ANNOUNCER ..............................................................Finley Cantrall
HOPE WINTERS ....................................................Charlotte Motelka
SCROOGE ......................................................Kendall Maggie Hunter
TINY TIM ........................................................................Reece Cottle
GHOST OF CHRISTMAS YET TO COME..................Eva Feldkircher
In case of FIRE or OTHER EMERGENCY, please walk to the nearest
exit indicated by a lighted exit sign.
Clague Playhouse is a NON-SMOKING facility.
Up-to-date COVID-19 information will be posted in the lobby or visit our
website at
RESTROOMS are located in the theater lobby.
FOOD AND BEVERAGES are not permitted in the auditorium.
Local EMERGENCY CALLS may be made at the Box Office.
CAMERAS AND RECORDERS are not permitted in the theater.
SPECIAL NEEDS SEATING, subject to availability.
LATECOMERS will be seated at first convenient pause in the
Please report LOST or FOUND items to the Box Office. We are not
responsible for lost or damaged items left unattended.
BOX OFFICE HOURS: Wednesday - Saturday from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00
p.m. and one hour before curtain time on performance dates. Closed
Monday and Tuesday. PHONE: 440-331-0403  Tickets available
online at
RED BARN YOUTH THEATER ADMISSION: Age 12+: $12, Under 12: $8
and Saturday begin at 7:00 p.m. Sunday matinees begin at 2:00 p.m.
Adults: $21, Seniors (60+): $20, and Students: $13
Limited FREE Student tickets for all Thursday performances - call the
Box Office for more information
PREPAYMENT IS A MUST. Payment may be made by cash, check,
money order, American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, and
Clague Playhouse Flextix or Gift Ticket. Prepaid tickets held at the Box
Office should be picked up one half-hour before curtain time.
GROUP DISCOUNTS are available for groups of 20 or more. For more
information, please call the Box Office.
GIFT TICKETS are available. Call the Box Office for more information.
CURTAIN TIMES: Performances on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
begin at 8:00 p.m. Sunday matinees begin at 2:00 p.m.
1371 Clague Road
Westlake, Ohio 44145
by Lucy Williams
directed by Dr. Greg Dziama
December 16 - 18, 2022
Produced by special arrangement with
Pioneer Drama Service, Inc., Englewood, Colorado
President: Richard Lynch
Vice President: Dottie Palazzo
Secretary: Mary Kay Blantz
Treasurer: Larry Tremaglio
Production Manager: Lance Switzer
Dr. Greg Dziama
Kate Fayen
Rose Leininger
Jeff Lockshine
Debbie Pollard
Lisa L Wiley
Visit our website,, or Facebook page for a
complete look at our season, purchase tickets, audition dates, and up-
to-date information on what’s happening at Clague Playhouse.
Clague Playhouse is certified as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
OUR 2022-2023 SEASON...
by Matthew Barber
January 20 - February 12, 2023
Ada and the Engine
by Lauren Gunderson
March 17 - April 9, 2023
Failure: A Love Story
by Philip Dawkins
May 12 - June 4, 2023
Tickets for all shows on sale now