Near Eastern Thought
and the
Old Testament
the Conceptual World
of the Hebrew Bible
Second Edition
John H. Walton
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John H. Walton, Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament
Baker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing Group, © 2006, 2018. Used by permission.
© 2006, 2018 by John H. Walton
Published by Baker Academic
a division of Baker Publishing Group
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Walton, John H., 1952– author.
Title: Ancient Near Eastern thought and the Old Testament : introducing the conceptual world of
the Hebrew Bible / John H. Walton.
Description: 2 [edition]. | Grand Rapids : Baker Publishing Group, 2018. | Includes bibliographical
references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017053728 | ISBN 9781540960214 (pbk. : alk. paper)
Subjects: LCSH: Middle Eastern literature—Relation to the Old Testament. | Bible. Old
Testament—Criticism, interpretation, etc. | Bible. Old Testament—Comparative studies. | Bible.
Old Testament—Extra-canonical parallels.
Classification: LCC BS1171.3 .W35 2018 | DDC 221.6/7—dc23
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2017053728
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Photos 6.5, 6.7, 10.1, and 11.1 appear courtesy of the Israel Museum. Collec-
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Special Material vii
Acknowledgments xi
Abbreviations xiii
Part 1 Comparative Studies
1. History and Methods 3
2. Comparative Studies, Scholarship, and Theology 19
Part 2 Literature of the Ancient Near East
3. Summary of the Literature of the Ancient Near East 33
Part 3 Religion
4. The Gods 47
5. Temples and Rituals 73
6. State and Family Religion 97
Part 4 Cosmos
7. Cosmic Geography 131
8. Cosmology and Cosmogony 147
Part 5 People
9. Understanding the Past: Human Origins and Role 173
10. Understanding the Past: Historiography 189
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John H. Walton, Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament
Baker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing Group, © 2006, 2018. Used by permission.
11. Encountering the Present: Guidance for Life—
Divination and Omens 213
12. Encountering the Present: Context of Life—Cities
and Kingship 253
13. Encountering the Present: Guidelines for Life—Law
and Wisdom 269
14. Pondering the Future on Earth and after Death 293
Concluding Remarks 313
Appendix: Individual Gods 317
Bibliography 327
Scripture Index 343
Foreign Words Index 347
Modern Author Index 349
Ancient Literature Index 355
Subject Index 359
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John H. Walton, Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament
Baker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing Group, © 2006, 2018. Used by permission.
Special Material
4.1. El figurine 54
4.2. Baal stele 64
4.3. Head of Shamash 67
5.1. Arad Sanctuary 78
5.2. Façade of Inanna’s temple in Uruk 82
5.3. Sargon’s garden and shrine 86
5.4. Gudea with map on his lap 87
5.5. Egyptian oering 95
6.1. Ear tablet 105
6.2. Ancestral figurine 106
6.3. Lamashtu amulet 107
6.4. Tukulti-Ninurta I stele 109
6.5. Ashkelon calf 121
6.6. Shabako stone 123
6.7. Taanach cult stand 125
7.1. Shamash sun god 135
7.2. Disk-shaped tablet of the heavens 137
7.3. Babylonian map of the world 138
7.4. Cylinder seal of Etana 140
8.1. Nut, Geb, Shu drawing 150
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John H. Walton, Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament
Baker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing Group, © 2006, 2018. Used by permission.
Special Material
8.2. Ninurta battling chaos beast 154
8.3. Enuma Elish 156
8.4. Gudea cylinder 166
9.1. Khnum fashioning pharaoh on potter’s wheel 175
9.2. Atrahasis tablet 181
9.3. Ba bird 182
10.1. Tel Dan inscription 193
10.2. Shishak and list of defeated kings 196
10.3. Relief of the siege of Lachish 200
10.4. Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III 202
10.5. Sennacherib Prism 203
11.1. Lachish letter 216
11.2. Liver model 231
12.1. Naram-Sin stele 258
13.1. Hammurabi stele 270
14.1. Con Texts 295
14.2. Book of the Dead 296
14.3. Ketef Hinnom 298
14.4. Gilgamesh tablet 310
10.1. Similar Perspectives on Creation and History in the Ancient
World 198
10.2. Modern, Ancient, and Israelite Perspectives on History and Histori-
ography 208
11.1. Ancient Near Eastern Prophetic Oracles 220
11.2. Israelite Prophetic Oracles 226
11.3. Types of Israelite and Ancient Near Eastern Prophetic Oracles 229
12.1. Royal Rhetoric in the Bible and the Ancient Near East 262
13.1. Legal Remedies 272
13.2. Literary Context of Law in the Pentateuch and the Ancient Near
East 275
14.1. Aspects of Afterlife Belief 312
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John H. Walton, Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament
Baker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing Group, © 2006, 2018. Used by permission.
Comparative Explorations
4.1. Ontology and Theogony in Israel 51
4.2. The Name Yahweh 52
4.3. Yahweh’s Council 56
4.4. Yahweh’s Place in the Cosmos 59
4.5. How Is Yahweh Dierent from the Gods of the Ancient Near
East? 71
5.1. Worthless Idols 76
5.2. The Tower of Babel 80
5.3. The Garden of Eden 84
5.4. Cosmos and Temple in Israel 88
5.5. Temple Functions in Israel 89
5.6. The Role of Ritual 92
6.1. State Religion in Israel 102
6.2. Abraham’s Religion 112
6.3. Commandments 1–4 120
7.1. Biblical Terminology Related to Cosmic Geography 142
8.1. Functional Order Emphasis in Day One 148
8.2. Hebrew bara
8.3. Precosmic Condition and Order 157
8.4. Created Functions—Naming, Separating, Giving Roles 158
8.5. Control Attributes and Destinies 164
8.6. Genesis 1 and Temple Building 167
9.1. Polygenesis and Monogenesis 174
9.2. Archetypal Humanity in Israel and the Ancient Near East 178
9.3. Image of God 184
10.1. Israelite Historiography 205
11.1. Dreams and Dream Interpreters in Israel 216
11.2. Terminology Related to Pronouncements regarding the Future 219
11.3. Prophecy in Israel and the Ancient Near East 226
11.4. Jeremiah 31:33 234
11.5. Joshua 10:12–15 238
11.6. Why Was Deductive Divination Forbidden to Israel? 247
12.1. Jerusalem, the Holy City 256
Special Material
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John H. Walton, Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament
Baker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing Group, © 2006, 2018. Used by permission.
Special Material
12.2. Examples of Kings Claiming Divine Sonship 260
12.3. Messiah 267
13.1. The Literary Context of the Law in the Pentateuch 274
13.2. What Are the Implications of the Fact That the Pentateuch Presents
the Torah as Given by Yahweh? 280
13.3. Obligatory Force in Israel: What Does It Mean to Observe the
Torah? 282
13.4. Israelite Proverbs: What Is Their Debt to the Ancient Near East? 285
14.1. Sheol 302
14.2. 1 Samuel 28 307
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John H. Walton, Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament
Baker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing Group, © 2006, 2018. Used by permission.
I would like to acknowledge the important roles played by my student assis-
tants over the years that this book was in process: Caryn Reeder, Liz Klassen,
Melissa Moore, and Alyssa Walker. This book would have been poorer without
their able assistance in editing at various levels. I would also like to thank
JoAnn Scurlock for her careful reading and for her valuable comments and
suggestions. These helped warn me away from possible errors and provided
valuable insights. Nevertheless, the opinions and conclusions expressed here
are my own.
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John H. Walton, Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament
Baker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing Group, © 2006, 2018. Used by permission.
Abbrevia tions
Old Testament
Gen. Genesis
Exod. Exodus
Lev. Leviticus
Num. Numbers
Deut. Deuteronomy
Josh. Joshua
Judg. Judges
Ruth Ruth
1 Sam. 1 Samuel
2 Sam. 2 Samuel
1 Kings 1 Kings
2 Kings 2 Kings
1 Chron. 1 Chronicles
2 Chron. 2 Chronicles
Ezra Ezra
Neh. Nehemiah
Esther Esther
Job Job
Ps(s). Psalms
Prov. Proverbs
Eccles. Ecclesiastes
Song Song of Songs
Isa. Isaiah
Jer. Jeremiah
Lam. Lamentations
Ezek. Ezekiel
Dan. Daniel
Hosea Hosea
Joel Joel
Amos Amos
Obad. Obadiah
Jon. Jonah
Mic. Micah
Nah. Nahum
Hab. Habakkuk
Zeph. Zephaniah
Hag. Haggai
Zech. Zechariah
Mal. Malachi
New Testament
Matt. Matthew
Mark Mark
Luke Luke
John John
Acts Acts of the Apostles
Rom. Romans
1 Cor. 1 Corinthians
2 Cor. 2 Corinthians
Gal. Galatians
Eph. Ephesians
Phil. Philippians
Col. Colossians
1 Thess. 1 Thessalonians
2 Thess. 2 Thessalonians
1 Tim. 1 Timothy
2 Tim. 2 Timothy
Titus Titus
Phlm. Philemon
Heb. Hebrews
James James
1 Pet. 1 Peter
2 Pet. 2 Peter
1 John 1 John
2 John 2 John
3 John 3 John
Jude Jude
Rev. Revelation
diss. dissertation
ed(s). editor(s), edited by
Heb. Hebrew
lit. literally
no(s). number(s)
repr. reprint
trans. translated by
vol(s). volume(s)
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John H. Walton, Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament
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AAHL J. M. Lindenberger, Ancient Aramaic and Hebrew Letters. SBLWAW 14.
Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2003
AB Anchor Bible
ABD Anchor Bible Dictionary, ed. D. N. Freedman. 6 vols. New York: Double-
day, 1992
AEL Ancient Egyptian Literature, M. Lichttheim. 3 vols. Berkeley: University of
California Press, 1973–80
AfO Archiv für Orientforschung
AnBib Analecta Biblica
ANET Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament, ed. J. B.
Pritchard. 3rd ed. with supplement. Princeton: Princeton University Press,
AOAT Alter Orient und Altes Testament
ARM Archives royales de Mari
ASOR American Schools of Oriental Research
BAR Biblical Archaeology Review
BBR Bulletin for Biblical Research
Bib Biblica
BibOr Biblica et Orientalia
BM B. Foster, Before the Muses. 3rd ed. Bethesda, MD: CDL, 2005
BRev Biblical Review
BSac Bibliotheca Sacra
BWL W. G. Lambert, Babylonian Wisdom Literature. Oxford: Clarendon, 1960
BZAW Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft
CAD The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of
Chicago, ed. M. T. Roth et al. 21 vols. Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1956–2010
CANE Civilizations of the Ancient Near East, ed. J. Sasson. 4 vols. New York:
Scribner’s, 1995
CBQ Catholic Biblical Quarterly
CBQMS Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph Series
CC Continental Commentaries
ConBOT Coniectanea Biblica, Old Testament
COS The Context of Scripture, ed. W. W. Hallo and K. L. Younger. 4 vols.
Leiden: Brill, 1997–2016
DDD Dictionary of Demons and Deities, ed. K. van der Toorn. 2nd ed. Leiden:
Brill, 1999
EI Eretz Israel
ESK H. Vanstiphout, Epics of Sumerian Kings. SBLWAW 20. Atlanta: Society
of Biblical Literature, 2003
FAT Forschungen zum Alten Testament
FDD B. R. Foster, From Distant Days. Bethesda, MD: CDL, 1995
HDT G. Beckman, Hittite Diplomatic Texts. SBLWAW 7. Atlanta: Society of
Biblical Literature, 1996
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John H. Walton, Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament
Baker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing Group, © 2006, 2018. Used by permission.
HM H. A. Honer, Hittite Myths. SBLWAW 2. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Lit-
erature, 1990
HSM Harvard Semitic Monographs
HSS Harvard Semitic Studies
HTO T. Jacobsen, The Harps That Once—Sumerian Poetry in Translation.
New Haven: Yale University Press, 1987
HTR Harvard Theological Review
HUCA Hebrew Union College Annual
IEJ Israel Exploration Journal
JANES Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society
JAOS Journal of the American Oriental Society
JBL Journal of Biblical Literature
JCS Journal of Cuneiform Studies
JEOL Jaarbericht van het Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Gezelschap/Genootschap “Ex
oriente lux”
JETS Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
JNES Journal of Near Eastern Studies
JNSL Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages
JR Journal of Religion
JRitSt Journal of Ritual Studies
JSOT Journal for the Study of the Old Testament
JSOTSup Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, Supplements
KAR Keilschrifttexte aus Assur religiösen Inhalts, ed. E. Ebeling. Leipzig: J. C.
Hinrichs, 1915-23
LABS Letters from Assyrian and Babylonian Scholars, ed. S. Parpola and J.
Reade. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press, 1993
LCMAM M. T. Roth, Law Collections from Mesopotamia and Asia Minor.
SBLWAW 6. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1995
LXX Septuagint
MARI Mari: Annales de recherches interdisciplinaires
MFM S. Dalley, Myths from Mesopotamia. Repr. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1991
NICOT New International Commentary on the Old Testament
NIDOTTE New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis,
ed. W. A. VanGemeren. 5 vols. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1997
NIV New International Version
NIVAC New International Version Application Commentary
OBO Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis
OEAE Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, ed. D. B. Redford. 3 vols. New
York: Oxford University Press, 2001
OEANE Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East, ed. E. M. Meyers.
4 vols. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997
Or Orientalia
OTL Old Testament Library
OTP V. H. Matthews and D. J. Benjamin, Old Testament Parallels: Laws and
Stories from the Ancient Near East. 2nd ed. New York: Paulist Press, 1997
OtSt Oudtestamentische Studiën
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John H. Walton, Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament
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PPANE M. Nissinen, Prophets and Prophecy in the Ancient Near East. SBLWAW
12. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2003
RA Revue d’assyriologie et d’archéologie orientale
RAI Rencontre assyriologique internationale
RANE B. T. Arnold and B. E. Beyer, Readings from the Ancient Near East: Pri-
mary Sources for Old Testament Study. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic,
RB Revue biblique
RIMA Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia, Assyrian Periods
RIME Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia, Early Periods
SAA State Archives of Assyria
SAALT State Archives of Assyria Literary Texts
SAAS State Archives of Assyria Studies
SBLDS Society of Biblical Literature Dissertation Series
SBLMS Society of Biblical Literature Monograph Series
SBLWAW Society of Biblical Literature Writings from the Ancient World
SBTS Sources for Biblical and Theological Study
SJOT Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament
TCS Texts from Cuneiform Sources
TDOT Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament, ed. G. J. Botterweck et al.
Trans. D. E. Green et al. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1974–
TynBul Tyndale Bulletin
UBL Ugaritisch-biblische Literatur
UNP Ugaritic Narrative Poetry, ed. S. B. Parker. SBLWAW 9. Atlanta: Scholars
Press, 1997
VAT Vorderasiatische Abteilung Tontafel
VT Vetus Testamentum
VTSup Supplements to Vetus Testamentum
WBC Word Biblical Commentary
WTJ Westminster Theological Journal
YOS Yale Oriental Series
ZA Zeitschrift für Assyriologie
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Baker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing Group, © 2006, 2018. Used by permission.
Part 1
Comparative Studies
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John H. Walton, Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament
Baker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing Group, © 2006, 2018. Used by permission.
History and Methods
The rediscovery of Egypt began in earnest in the eighteenth century AD and
of Mesopotamia in the mid-nineteenth century AD. With the decipherment
of the ancient languages, the tens of thousands of texts that were being
unearthed began to be translated and analyzed. Today the number of texts
exceeds one million. In many cases the motives of the adventurers and scholars
represented a strange combination of politics, interest in antiquities (or trea-
sures), and biblical apologetics. Initial studies were inclined to be defensive
of the Bible, even if such a stance required the dismissal or distortion of the
cuneiform texts. The flurry of activity in connection with the relationship
of these texts to the Bible had reached a critical mass of sorts by the turn of
the twentieth century; and, consequently, widespread attention was attracted
by the series of lectures presented in 1902 under the auspices of the German
Oriental Society and attended by Kaiser Wilhelm II. What the Scopes trial
was to the discussion of evolution, these lectures were to comparative stud-
ies. The lecturer was the noted Assyriologist Friedrich Delitzsch, son of the
famous conservative biblical commentator, Franz Delitzsch.
Delitzsch’s lectures, titled “Babel und Bibel,” brought a more focused at-
tention to the impact of Assyriology on the understanding of the Bible. More
controversial, however, was his claim that the literature of the Bible was depen-
dent on, and even borrowed from, the literature of the dominant culture rep-
resented in the region of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. His contention was:
“The Mesopotamian evidence shows us not just parallels to Old Testament
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John H. Walton, Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament
Baker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing Group, © 2006, 2018. Used by permission.
customs and ideas, but genuine evidence regarding their origin.”
The logi-
cal conclusion would therefore be that the origin of the Old Testament was
human, not divine, and that the Christian faith therefore had its roots in pagan
mythology. Two more lectures elaborating on this thesis came over the next
two years. In the second, more objectionable than the first, he questioned the
appropriateness of the traditional theological terminology used to describe the
Bible (e.g., revelation, inspiration) in light of its putatively evident dependence.
As H. Humon observes, “Delitzsch had moved from Babylonia as interpreter
and illustrator of the Old Testament to a general attack on the religious value of
the Old Testament for the modern German.”
At this time, many Assyriologists
were people of faith, with the result that Delitzsch was criticized vehemently
in their written responses to his lectures. Over the following decades, however,
as Assyriology became increasingly secular and its scholars, if concerned with
the Bible at all, had embraced the tenets of critical scholarship, Delitzsch’s
lectures became recognized as a watershed in comparative studies.
The result was a growing ideological divide between those who viewed com-
parative studies from a confessional standpoint, seeking to use Assyriology in
their apologetics, and those who viewed it from a scientific or secular standpoint,
seeing the Bible as a latecomer in world literature filled with what were little
more than adaptations from the mythology of the ancient Near East. Critical
scholars considered their opponents naive traditionalists. Confessional scholars
considered their opponents godless heretics.
As evidence emerged that did not
fit easily with a desire to vindicate the Bible, the critics became more strident,
and many came to agree with Delitzsch’s contention that “the Old Testament
was no book of Christian religion and should be excluded from Christian
In response, confessional scholars became more entrenched and
defensive. The cycle of division drove its wedges deeper and deeper.
The space of over a century allows current scholars to recognize that De-
litzsch’s lectures were not motivated solely by a sense of scientific objectivity.
He was a child of his culture as we all are, and his obvious nationalism can
now be seen to have been encumbered with not only anti-Christian but also
1. M. T. Larsen, “The ‘Babel/Bible’ Controversy and Its Aftermath,” CANE 1:95–106, quo-
tation on 99.
2. H. B. Humon, “Babel und Bibel: The Encounter between Babylon and the Bible,” in
The Bible and Its Traditions, ed. M. P. O’Connor and D. N. Freedman (Ann Arbor: University
of Michigan Press, 1983), 309–20, quotation on 315.
3. There is no question that confessional scholars can use critical methodologies or that
critical scholars may have confessional convictions. I am using the terms as generalizations to
represent relative positions on a spectrum. They refer to those with a strong critical or confes-
sional inclination.
4. Humon, “Babel und Bibel,” 319.
Comparative Studies
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anti-Semitic sentiment.
Humon summarizes the regression well: “In dealing
with Assyriological matters, as Delitzsch did in his first two lectures, he combined
scholarship with special pleading; in dealing with Old Testament materials,
Delitzsch mixed learning with considerable naiveté; in dealing with the New
Testament, or, more specifically Jesus, Delitzsch displayed naiveté and perfidy.”
Delitzsch’s work spawned a movement, never widely popular but remark-
able for its excesses, called “Pan-Babylonianism,” which argued that all world
myths and all Christian Scriptures (Old and New Testament alike) were simply
versions of Babylonian mythology. For instance, the stories of Jesus in the
Gospels were based on the Gilgamesh Epic, and the passion of Christ was
based on Marduk mythology.
Even as Assyriology and Egyptology (and also Hittitology) emerged as serious,
autonomous, academic disciplines, the attention of many remained focused on
the Bible. As discoveries of major archives followed one after another from the
1920s to the 1970s, each was greeted with initial excitement as scholars made
great claims for the impact of the archive on the Bible. In most cases, time and
more careful attention resulted in many, if not all, of the initial claims being
rejected. Methodological maturity began to be displayed in the careful work
of W. W. Hallo, who promoted a balanced approach called the “contextual
approach,” which seeks to identify and discuss both similarities and dier-
ences that can be observed between the Bible and the texts from the ancient
Near East. “Hallo’s goal, ‘is not to find the key to every biblical phenomenon
in some ancient Near Eastern precedent, but rather to silhouette the biblical
text against its wider literary and cultural environment.’ Thus we must not
succumb either to ‘parallelomania’ or to ‘parallelophobia.’”
It is Hallo’s work
that has provided the foundation for the following discussion of methodology.
What Is Comparative Study?
Just as it would be foolish to think that all Europeans share the same cul-
ture, it would be a mistake to suppose that Babylonians, Hittites, Egyptians,
5. B. T. Arnold and D. B. Weisberg, “A Centennial Review of Friedrich Delitzsch’s ‘Babel
und Bibel’ Lectures,” JBL 121 (2002): 441–57, esp. 442–43.
6. Humon, “Babel und Bibel,” 319.
7. M. W. Chavalas, “Assyriology and Biblical Studies: A Century of Tension,” in Mesopota-
mia and the Bible, ed. M. W. Chavalas and K. L. Younger Jr. (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic,
2002), 21–67, esp. 34.
8. Chavalas, “Assyriology and Biblical Studies,” 43.
History and Methods
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Baker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing Group, © 2006, 2018. Used by permission.
Israelites, and Sumerians all shared the same culture. There would even be
noticeable dierences between the second-millennium Babylonians of Ham-
murabi’s time and the first-millennium Babylonians at the time of Nebuchad-
nezzar. More importantly, caution must be exercised when using both Egypt
and the ancient Mesopotamian world for comparison. Egyptian culture is
markedly dierent than others found in the rest of the ancient Near East.
Nevertheless, there were some elements that many of the cultures of the an-
cient Near East held in common with Egyptians, and certainly many areas
in which they shared more commonality with one another than they do with
our modern culture.
Though we recognize distinct cultural dierences across time and place,
the commonalities warrant our attention. To think about how these ancient
commonalities need to be dierentiated from our modern ways of thinking,
we can use the metaphor of a cultural river, where the currents represent
ideas and conventional ways of thinking. Among the currents in our modern
cultural context we would find fundamentals such as rights, privacy, freedom,
capitalism, consumerism, democracy, individualism, globalism, social media,
market economy, scientific naturalism, an expanding universe, empiricism,
and natural laws, just to name a few. As familiar as these are to us, such
ways of thinking were unknown in the ancient world. Conversely, the ancient
cultural river had among their shared ideas currents that are totally foreign
to us. Included in the list we would find fundamental concepts such as com-
munity identity, the comprehensive and ubiquitous control of the gods, the
role of kingship, divination, the centrality of the temple, the mediatory role
of images, and the reality of the spirit world and magic. It is not easy for us
to grasp their shape or rationale, and we often find their expression in texts
In today’s world people may find that they dislike some of the currents in
our cultural river and wish to resist them. Such resistance is not easy, but even
when we might occasionally succeed, we are still in the cultural river—even
though we may be swimming upstream rather than floating comfortably on
the currents.
This was also true in the ancient world. When we read the Old Testa-
ment, we may find reason to believe that the Israelites were supposed to resist
some of the currents in their cultural river. Be that as it may (and the nuances
are not always easy to work with), they remain in that ancient cultural river.
We dare not allow ourselves to think that just because the Israelites believed
themselves to be distinctive among their neighbors that they thought in the
terms of our cultural river (including the dimensions of our theology). We
need to read the Old Testament in the context of its own cultural river. We
Comparative Studies
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cannot aord to read instinctively because that only results in reading the text
through our own cultural lenses. No one reads the Bible free of cultural bias,
but we seek to replace our cultural lenses with theirs. Sometimes the best we
can do is recognize that we have cultural lenses and try to take them o even
if we cannot reconstruct ancient lenses.
When we consider similarities and dierences between the ancient cultural
river and our own, we must be alert to the dangers of maintaining an elevated
view of our own superiority or sophistication as a contrast to the naïveté or
primitiveness of others. Identification of dierences should not imply ancient
inferiority. Our rationality may not be their rationality, but that does not mean
that they were irrational.
Their ways of thinking should not be thought of
as primitive or prehistorical. We seek to understand their texts and culture,
not to make value judgments on them.
Ultimately the goal of background studies is to examine the literature and
archaeology of the ancient Near East in order to reconstruct the behavior,
beliefs, culture, values, and worldview of the people—that is, to explore the
dimensions and nature of the ancient cultural river. These could alternatively
be called cultural studies. Comparative studies constitutes a branch of cul-
tural studies in that it attempts to draw data from dierent segments of the
broader culture (in time and/or space) into juxtaposition with one another
in order to assess what might be learned from one to enhance the under-
standing of another. The range of this understanding can include behavior
and belief within the culture or the ways in which a culture is represented in
art or literature. Within the literary category, areas for research include the
larger issues of literary genre, the analysis of specific traditions and texts,
and the use of individual metaphors, idioms, and words.
Development of Sound Methodology for Comparative Study
As one can infer from the history related at the beginning of the chapter,
early practitioners were distracted from this larger task by curiosity or by axes
to grind. Whether defending or critiquing the Bible or defending the ancient
Near East, some scholars became enmeshed in using cultural and comparative
studies as a means to a polemical end. As is often the case in polemics of any
stripe, techniques such as selectivity and special pleading can create distor-
tion. This polemical application resulted in the abuse of comparative studies
from scholars at either end of the spectrum. Consequently some confessional
9. We may, for example, dierentiate between analogical reasoning and empirical reason
ing; they are dierent but they are both rational. See F. Rochberg, Before Nature: Cuneiform
Knowledge and the History of Science (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2016), 156–63.
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scholars concluded that comparative studies posed a danger to the biblical text
when they saw it wielded as a weapon of skepticism and unbelief. At the same
time some critical scholars openly ridiculed what they saw as feeble attempts
by apologists to use comparative studies to prove that the Bible was true.
It took some generations for correctives to be put in place that served
to establish an appropriate methodology for background and comparative
study, which will be introduced below. Even as these have been put into place
over the last several decades, abuse and misunderstanding persist in pock-
ets. These methodological correctives have exposed the dangers inherent in
research that ignores either similarities or dierences between the Bible and
the ancient Near East.
One of the earliest and most significant correctives was the insistence that
neither biblical studies nor ancient Near Eastern studies should be subordi-
nated to the other. Both represent autonomous disciplines, though they can
mutually benefit from cross-fertilization. Even as comparative studies are
important for those seeking to understand the Bible, study of the ancient
Near East is not merely a subservient field to biblical studies. Assyriology,
Egyptology, and the like are disciplines in themselves and valid academic,
cultural, and linguistic pursuits. Comparative study by Bible students is just
one application of the findings from those fields.
Why Do Bible Students Need Comparative Study?
Cultural Dimension of Language and Literature
When I first began teaching in the early 1980s, I could refer in passing to
“the incident at Kent State” and feel assured that students would know what
I was talking about without further explanation. By the 1990s that was no
longer the case. As another example, several years ago I could still refer to
the “Berlin Wall” or to the “Iron Curtain” and assume that many students
need no further elaboration. As years pass, however, such labels are less rec-
ognized. Eective communication requires a body of agreed-upon words,
terms, and ideas.
Since communication requires a common ground of understanding, both
speaker and audience must do what they can to enter that common ground.
For the speaker this often requires accommodation to the audience. One uses
words (representing ideas) that the audience will understand, thus, by definition,
accommodating to the target audience.
When that common core of understanding exists, the author will not bother
to explain him- or herself to the understanding audience against the chance
that an uninformed person might be listening. This is where the work of
Comparative Studies
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the audience comes in if they are not native to the language/culture matrix,
because reaching this common ground may require seeking out additional
information or explanation. If someone outside the language/culture matrix
wants to take advantage of information that is communicated within the
language/culture matrix, cultural education is required—the individual has
to adapt to the unfamiliar language/culture matrix.
For example, twice every year in most of the United States and in many other
places around the world we encounter the phenomenon known as “daylight
savings time.” If someone from another culture came to the United States and
heard the phrase “daylight savings time,” no study of the individual words
would alert them to its meaning. They would need information that would
enable them to adapt to the culture. These are issues that go beyond language
to culture. In the same way, if we are going to comprehend communication
that took place between members of an ancient culture, we are going to have
to adjust our thinking to be able to sit in the circle of communication with
the ancient audience. The Bible has plenty of examples like “Iron Curtain”
and “daylight savings time” that are not explained, and we do not intrinsi-
cally understand. But in many cases the key to understanding can be found
in other ancient Near Eastern literature.
When we study an ancient text, we cannot make words mean whatever we
want them to or assume that they meant the same to the ancient audience that
they do to a modern audience. Language itself is a cultural convention, and
since the Bible and other ancient documents use language to communicate,
they are bound to a culture. As interpreters, then, we must adapt to the lan-
guage/culture matrix of the ancient world as we study the Old Testament. But
as P. Michalowski has pointed out, “It is one thing to state banalities about
‘the Other,’ or about the inapplicability of western concepts to non-western
modes of thought; it is something quite dierent actually to step outside
one’s frame of reference and attempt a proper analysis.”
In fact, then, we
need more than translation; we need people in the role of “cultural broker”
who understand both cultures and negotiate meaning between them without
subordinating one to the other.
This awareness of the integration of language and culture (and ultimately,
worldview) moves us well beyond the sorts of research that were alluded to at
the beginning of this chapter. Here we are no longer talking about trying to
figure out whose religion is better, who was more ethical, who copied what
10. P. Michalowski, “Commemoration, Writing, and Genre in Ancient Mesopotamia,” in
The Limits of Historiography, ed. C. S. Kraus, Genre and Narrative in Ancient Historical Texts
56 (Leiden: Brill, 1999), 69–90, quotation on 72.
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literature from whom, or what should be considered Scripture and what should
not. Methodology need not be tailored to detect literary borrowing or govern
polemical agendas. When comparative studies are done at the cognitive en-
vironment level, trying to understand how people thought about themselves
and their world, a broader methodology can be used.
Whatever cases might be made for literary dependence concerning one
text or another, in this book we are going to give more attention to how the
Israelites are embedded in the ancient world than to how one piece of litera-
ture might be indebted to another. This focus will make a dierence in our
methodology. For instance, when literary pieces are compared to consider
the question of dependence, the burden of proof is appropriately on the
researcher to consider the issues of propinquity and transmission—that is,
would the peoples involved have come into contact with one another’s litera-
ture, and is there a mechanism to transmit said literature from one culture
to the other? Literary questions of genre, structure, and context will all be
investigated as well as geographical, chronological, and ethnic dimensions.
When considering larger cultural concepts or worldviews, however, such
demands will not be as stringent, though they cannot be ignored altogether.
When we see evidence in the biblical text of a three-tiered cosmos, we have
only to ask, “Does the concept of a three-tiered cosmos exist in the ancient
Near East?” Once it is ascertained that it does, our task becomes to try to
identify how Israel’s perception of the cosmos might have been the same or
dierent from what we find (ubiquitously) elsewhere. We need not figure out
how Israel got such a concept or from whom they “borrowed” it. Borrow
ing is not the issue, so methodology does not have to address it. Likewise
this need not concern whose ideas are derivative. There is simply common
ground across the cognitive environment of the cultures of the ancient world.
These are currents in the cultural river and do not depend on transmission
through literary sources.
The significant dierence between borrowing from a particular piece of
literature (indebtedness) and resonating with the larger culture that has itself
been influenced by its literatures (embeddedness) must be taken into account
11. For example, J. Tigay’s criteria in “On Evaluating Claims of Literary Borrowing,” in
The Tablet and the Scroll: Near Eastern Studies in Honor of William W. Hallo, ed. M. Cohen
et al. (Bethesda, MD: CDL, 1993), 250–55.
12. I use the terminology of “cognitive environment,” but other terminology could serve just
as well and occurs in the literature; e.g., “intertextual echo” (Richard Hays), “shared stream
of linguistic tradition” or “common Wortfeld” (Michael Fishbane), “cultural codes” (Daniel
Boyarin), “patterns of meaning” (Hayden White), “matrix of associations” (Gershon Hepner),
“common conceptual milieu” (J. Richard Middleton). These are conveniently presented with
full bibliography by Middleton in The Liberating Image (Grand Rapids: Brazos, 2005), 62–64.
Comparative Studies
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in our analysis. As a modern example, when Americans speak of the philoso-
phy of “eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die,” they are resonating
with an idea that has penetrated society rather than borrowing from the writ-
ings of the Greek philosopher Epicurus, who is traditionally identified with
promoting that approach to life. Historically the philosophy of Epicurus has
seeped into the culture and can therefore be reflected in statements today. The
demands of propinquity are considerably relaxed. A cultural trail will not be
as definable as a literary trail, nor will the tracking require the same criteria.
Given this backdrop, we can now introduce the discipline of “cognitive
environment criticism” as a branch of critical scholarship. Critical scholar-
ship as a whole represents an attempt to bring scientific rigor and thereby a
putative objectivity to an interpretation of a text by recovering the historical,
literary, and cultural world behind the text as a means to unravel the layers
that have brought it to its current state. “Cognitive environment criticism”
specifically focuses on the cultural element. It includes both background/
cultural studies and comparative studies.
Cultural Dimension of Literary Genre
On the whole, it is now recognized that the determination of literary de-
pendence is not as simple as once thought, nor should it be the dominant
goal of either comparative studies or cognitive environment criticism. Rather,
the careful observations of similarities and dierences in pieces of literature
help inform the study of both the Bible and the ancient Near East. For those
who have an interest in understanding the Bible, it should be no surprise that
this Israelite literature reflects not only the specific culture of the Israelites
but many aspects of the larger culture identifiable across the ancient Near
East. Even when a biblical text engages in polemic or oers critiques of the
larger culture, to do so its authors must be aware of and interact with current
thinking and literature. When we compare the literature of the ancient Near
East with the Bible, we are ultimately trying to recover aspects of the ancient
cognitive environment that may help us understand the Israelite perspective
a little better. By catching a glimpse of how they thought about themselves
and their world, we sometimes discover ways that the Israelites would have
thought that dier totally from how we think.
Beyond the words and ideas of the literature itself, another area where
we must be sensitive to cultural issues is in the way we understand literary
genres. It should be no surprise that Old Testament genres need to be com-
pared to genres in the larger culture of their world. Some genres operated
dierently in the ancient world than they do in our own culture, so we must
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become familiar with the mechanics of the genres represented in the ancient
Near East. Whether we are looking at wisdom literature, hymnic literature,
historical literature, or legal literature, we find generous doses of both simi-
larities and dierences. Understanding the genre of a piece of literature is
necessary if we desire to perceive the author’s intentions. Since perceiving an
author’s communicative intentions is an essential ingredient to the theological
and literary interpretation of a text, we recognize that understanding genre
contributes to legitimate interpretation. Nevertheless, we will also have to
recognize that some pieces of literature have no counterparts and therefore
cannot be designated with a genre (they are sui generis). “Genre” can only
be used to apply to a group of literary pieces.
Where similarities can be observed between the biblical and ancient Near
Eastern genres, they help us to understand the genre parameters and charac-
teristics as they existed in the ancient mind. For instance, it is important for
us to explore what defined historical writing in the ancient world. How close
was it to the journalistic approach of today that relies heavily on eyewitness
accounts? How did genealogies function in Old Testament times? Were they
compiled for the same purpose that we compile them for?
Occasionally comparisons within genres reveal very close similarities be-
tween the biblical and ancient Near Eastern literatures on the level of content.
Such similarities do not negate the individuality of either. Even if the Hebrew
Bible had the very same law or the very same proverb that was found in the
ancient Near East, we may find uniqueness in how that law or proverb was
understood or how it was nuanced by the literary context in which it was
incorporated. At other times the Israelite version may not be noticeably dif-
ferent from the ancient Near Eastern example at any level.
Where there are dierences it is important to understand the ancient Near
Eastern genres because significant points in the biblical text may be made
by means of contrast. For example, literature from Mesopotamia contains
a couple of texts that recount the complaints of a righteous suerer similar
to what we find in the book of Job. The theology behind the book of Job,
however, not only oers dierent explanations but even uses the mentality
of the ancient Near East (represented in the arguments of Job’s friends) as a
foil. Job maintains his integrity precisely by not adopting the appeasement
mentality recommended by his friends (Job 27:1–6) and representative of the
ancient Near East. The book’s message is accomplished in counterpoint. If we
are unaware of the contrasts, we will miss some of the nuances. Throughout
this book I will be presenting what can be understood about the cognitive
environment of the ancient Near East and interspersing “Comparative Ex-
plorations” to consider specific similarities and dierences found in Israel.
Comparative Studies
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Cultural Dimension of Religious Practice
Another aspect of comparative study concerns comparative religion. One of
the most consistent claims made within the biblical text concerns the distinctive-
ness of the Israelite religion. Yet at the same time the text does not hide the fact
that the distinctions that were articulated in theory often did not translate into
practice. Furthermore, the material culture often draws our attention to the
similarities. Consequently, comparative study is helpful both for understanding
the background religious practice to which the biblical ideal is contrasted and
for understanding the syncretistic elements that were represented in common
practice. Even when noticing the contrasts, however, comparative study will
reveal many areas of continuity alongside the noted discontinuity. For instance,
even though the biblical ideal is aniconic (no use of idols), the study of religious
iconography can give understanding to objects like the ark of the covenant. As
a second example, though the prophets decry the use of the high places, high
places had a role even in legitimate worship in some periods.
Indeed, as much continuity as Christian theologians have developed between
the religious ideas of preexilic Israel and those of Christianity, there is prob-
ably not as much common ground between them as there was between the
religious ideas of Israel and the religious ideas of Babylon. When we think of
Old Testament religious concepts such as ritual sacrifice, sanctuaries/sacred
space, priests and their role, creation, the nature of sin, communication with
deity, and many other areas, we realize that the Babylonians would have found
Israelite practice much more comprehensible than we do.
Finally, though there would have been aspects of Canaanite or Babylonian
religious practice (such as the ideology behind certain rituals) that were not
understood clearly by the Israelites, they were well acquainted with the basic
elements and ideals of their neighbors’ beliefs. As H. W. F. Saggs has pointed
out, for example, a man such as King Jehu of Israel must have been able to
be fairly convincing as a Baal worshiper and well enough informed about the
nuances of their religious practice to succeed in persuading all of the Baal
worshipers to shed their weapons and come into the temple to be slaughtered
(2 Kings 11:18–28). Saggs gives several other examples and makes his point
We must not make a mistake in our assessment in either direc-
tion. Both similarities and dierences must be observed, documented, and
evaluated, not for the sake of critiquing but for the sake of understanding.
Though some use comparative studies to contradict claims made in the bibli-
cal text, the data need not be so employed.
13. H. W. F. Saggs, The Encounter with the Divine in Mesopotamia and Israel, Jordan Lec-
tures in Comparative Religion 12 (London: Athlone, 1978), 6–8.
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Cultural Dimension of Theology
Including but expanding beyond religious practice is the construct termed
theology. To investigate Israelite theology in relation to any other ancient theology
we must go beyond the simple identification of similarities and dierences to
articulate the relationships on a functional level. For example, it is one thing to
say that both Israelites and Babylonians used rituals for transference of oense.
It is another matter altogether to understand the function of those rituals and
the role they played in the larger theology. Similarities could exist because Israel
adapted something from ancient Near Eastern culture or literature or, as previ-
ously mentioned, because they simply resonated with the culture. Dierences
could reflect the Israelites’ rejection of an ancient Near Eastern perspective, in
which a practice was either ignored or proscribed, or they might emerge in ex-
plicit Israelite polemics against the views of their neighbors, in which extended
discourse drew out the distinction. In all such cases the theology of the text may
be nuanced or clarified by an understanding of the cultural context, whether it
resonates with its environment or stands in sharp relief against it.
I am not as convinced as some in comparative studies that the Old Testament
regularly engages in polemics against the surrounding cultures and ideolo-
gies. Examples such as the caricature of images in Isaiah 44 and Jeremiah 10
demonstrate that the Hebrew Bible does indeed at times engage in polemics.
The methodological question is the extent to which polemics can be used
as an explanation in cases of tacit insinuation. Can choice of words (“great
lights” in Gen. 1:16 instead of the words “sun” and “moon,” whose cognates
are also used as the names of the sun god and moon god) or the promotion
of an alternative view (Yahweh riding on the clouds or chaos creatures under
Yahweh’s control) be construed as polemic? Polemics by means of insinuation
depends on general recognition by the audience. The literature of the Old
Testament never forthrightly refutes or undermines an ancient myth; it only
lampoons or denies the power of the gods.
E. Frahm alternatively adopts the designation “counter-texts” to describe
works in the ancient Near East that he concludes have been composed as reac-
tions to earlier texts (e.g., Erra and Ishum as a reaction to Enuma Elish).
that sense, they take their place in the reception history of the earlier work.
The dierence between this and polemics is in the intention: Is the writer
trying to disprove his counterpart’s claims (polemics) or simply presenting
14. I have carried out this sort of study in more depth in Old Testament Theology for
Christians: From Ancient Context to Enduring Belief (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 2017).
15. E. Frahm, Babylonian and Assyrian Text Commentaries: Origins of Interpretation,
Guides to the Mesopotamian Textual Record 5 (Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2011), 347–64.
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Baker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing Group, © 2006, 2018. Used by permission.
his own alternate perspective (counter-texts)? In counter-texts, one form of
reaction would be to reverse the plots of earlier works. Less obviously, “small
but significant manipulations of older works were another way to adapt texts
to the needs of a later era and produce new meanings.”
In such a case the
views can be meaningfully juxtaposed to interpretive advantage.
A third perspective understands similarities as reflecting an even lower
threshold as a form of intertextuality. In this view, the biblical tradents or
composers are broadly familiar with the literature of the ancient Near East
and make faint allusions to it that echo its themes or content at the minimal
end of the spectrum. Alternatively, at the maximal end, they are actually using
the tropes or motifs of specific literature to craft a new work. In the latter case,
there is no intention of parodying, arguing, or even countering the subject text.
Examples can be found in the way that Ezekiel makes use of Erra and Ishum.
A final model diers from the rest in that it does not require that specific
pieces of literature were known by the Israelite scribes (whether they actu-
ally were or not). In this view what we know as literary traditions circulated
around in informal ways and often in oral form. A diusion model does not
deny that whatever scribal schools there were in Israel may have had access to
the literary works that comprised a scribal curriculum. It recognizes, however,
that archival texts may not have been the most prominent forms in which the
traditions circulated. One of the advantages of the diusion model is that
it can also account for many of the fundamental aspects of ancient culture
that are evident in the Hebrew Bible but are not tied specifically to literary
traditions, even though they may surface in one or several specific pieces.
These approaches are not mutually exclusive options. Theoretically we
might find examples of each of them scattered throughout the Hebrew Bible.
They share some common ground in that in all but the last option the Hebrew
writer shows an awareness of the cognate literature. He is a protagonist in a
conversation, whether engaged in borrowing and reworking, debate (polemic),
reflection (counter-text), or casual intertextuality, or working from a general
awareness of the way that ideas were framed or approached in the ancient
world. Each understanding, therefore, requires the modern scholar to present
evidence that the Hebrew writer would have plausibly been aware of either
the specific piece of literature or the tradition, whichever the case may be.
16. Frahm, Babylonian and Assyrian Text Commentaries, 345.
17. D. Bodi, The Book of Ezekiel and the Poem of Erra, OBO 104 (Switzerland: Univer-
sitätsverlag Freiburg; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1991).
18. Adapted from J. Walton, “Biblical Polemics in Comparative Contexts,” in Behind the
Scenes of the Old Testament, ed. J. Greer, J. Hilber, and J. Walton (Grand Rapids: Baker Aca-
demic, forthcoming).
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When it comes to the formulation of our modern theology based on the
biblical text, we may logically conclude that without the guidance of back-
ground studies we are bound to misinterpret the text at some points. A text
can be thought of as a web of ideas linked by threads of writing. Each phrase
and each word communicates by the ideas and thoughts that it will trigger in
the mind of the reader or hearer. We can then speak of the potential meanings
that words point to as gaps that need to be filled with (one hopes, appropriate)
meaning by the audience. The writer or speaker assumes that those gaps will
be filled in particular ways based on the common language and worldview
shared with the audience. Interpreters of the Bible have the task of filling in
those gaps, not with their own ideas (theological or otherwise) but with the
ideas of the writer as those ideas can be understood. Often the words he uses
and the ideas he is trying to convey are rooted in the culture and therefore
need the assistance of background studies.
For example, the tower of Babel is
described as being built “with its head in the heavens.” Without the benefit of
ancient Near Eastern backgrounds, early interpreters were inclined to provide
the theological explanation that the builders were trying to build a structure
that would allow them to launch an attack on the heavens. In other words,
the tower was seen as a way for people to ascend to heaven. But background
study has allowed modern interpreters to recognize that the tower is an ex-
pression used to describe the ziggurats of Mesopotamia, which were intended
to serve as a bridge or portal between heaven and earth for the gods to use.
Thus comparative study oers an alternative, and arguably more accurate,
interpretation of the text.
In Genesis the tower should be viewed as provid-
ing a way for deity to descend. In conclusion, then, as our interpretation of the
text requires us to fill in the gaps, we want to be careful to consider the option
of filling those gaps from the cultural context before we leap to fill them with
a theological significance coming out of our own experience or understanding.
Scope of Comparative Study
As we continue to think on the level of the common cognitive environment,
we will have reason to expand the focus of our comparative studies.
The scholarly interest in comparative studies formerly focused on either
individual features (e.g., flood accounts from both the Bible and the ancient
19. I am not here speaking of the sort of information that one could theoretically derive
from cross-examining or even psychoanalyzing the writer. I simply refer to those elements that
can be found to make sense against the backdrop of the culture.
20. See more complete discussion in “Comparative Exploration 5.2: The Tower of Babel,”
in chap. 5.
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Near East feature birds sent out from an ark) or the literary preservation of
traditions (e.g., creation accounts, vassal treaties), and many studies have
been conducted with either apologetics (from confessional circles) or polemics
(against confessional traditions) in mind. Those interested in the interpretation
of the text have only more recently begun to recognize in addition the impor-
tance of comparative studies that focus on conceptual issues conducted with
illumination of the cultural dynamics and worldview behind the text in mind.
Comparative research in the Biblical field has often become a kind of “paral-
lel hunting.” Once it has been established that a certain biblical expression or
custom has a parallel outside the Bible, the whole problem is regarded as solved.
It is not asked, whether or not the extra-Biblical element has the same place
in life, the same function in the context of its own culture. The first question
that should be asked in comparative research is that of the Sitz im Leben and
the meaning of the extra-Biblical parallel adduced. It is not until this has been
established that the parallel can be utilized to elucidate a Biblical fact.
Principles of Comparative Study
Ten important principles must be kept in mind when doing comparative
1. Both similarities and dierences must be considered.
2. Similarities may suggest a common cultural heritage or cognitive envi-
ronment rather than borrowing.
3. It is not uncommon to find similarities at the surface but dierences at
the conceptual level and vice versa.
4. All elements must be understood in their own contexts as accurately
as possible before cross-cultural comparisons are made (i.e., careful
background study must precede comparative study).
5. Proximity in time, geography, and spheres of cultural contact all increase
the possibility of interaction leading to influence.
6. A case for literary borrowing requires identification of likely channels
of transmission.
21. H. Ringgren, “Israel’s Place among the Religions of the Ancient Near East,” in Studies
in the Religion of Ancient Israel, VTSup 23 (Leiden: Brill, 1972), 1; quoted in S. Talmon, “The
Comparative Method in Biblical Interpretation: Principles and Problems,” in Essential Papers
on Israel and the Ancient Near East, ed. F. E. Greenspahn, Essential Papers on Jewish Studies
(New York: New York University Press, 1991), 402.
History and Methods
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John H. Walton, Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament
Baker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing Group, © 2006, 2018. Used by permission.
7. The significance of dierences between two pieces of literature is mini-
mized if the works do not represent the same genre.
8. Similar functions may be performed by dierent genres in dierent cultures.
9. When literary or cultural elements are borrowed they may in turn be
transformed into something quite dierent by those who borrowed them.
10. A single culture will rarely be monolithic, either in a contemporary
cross section or in consideration of a passage of time.
Goals of Cognitive Environment Criticism
I would contend, then, that students should undertake cognitive environ-
ment criticism with four goals in mind:
1. Students may study the history of the ancient Near East as a means of
recovering knowledge of the events that shaped the lives of people in
the ancient world.
2. Students may study archaeology as a means of recovering the lifestyle
reflected in the material culture of the ancient world.
3. Students may study the literature of the ancient Near East as a means
of penetrating the cognitive environment of the people who inhabited
the ancient world that Israel shared.
4. Students may study the language of the ancient Near East as a means
of gaining additional insight into the semantics, lexicography, idioms,
and metaphors used in Hebrew.
These goals then each contribute to comparative studies and will help us
understand the Old Testament better.
22. J. Walton, “Cultural Background of the Old Testament,” in Foundations for Biblical
Interpretation, ed. D. Dockery, K. Mathews, and R. Sloan (Nashville: Broadman & Holman,
1994), 256. See also Tigay, “On Evaluating Claims,” 250–55.
Comparative Studies
_Walton_AncientNearEastThoughtOT.indd 34 3/2/18 2:06 PM
John H. Walton, Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament
Baker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing Group, © 2006, 2018. Used by permission.